

小时候都很想快快长大,做自己要做的事情。。但, 我发现长大只能带给我痛苦。。不如意的事情一 一的发生在我的生活圈圈里。。离世,病痛,不安每天都发生在我的脑海里。。为什么我总是不能和别人快快乐乐的生活呢?看见别人那么的开心,我的心真的很妒忌。有时真的很想放开自己,到一个完全不受负面干扰的地方。。但想起亲人,朋友。。却会依依不舍。。惟有继续戴着假面具,过着痛苦的生活。望有一天,我能脱离这些烦恼。。 ~停笔~

2 条评论:

ShyuanT 说...

Bro, to tell the truth, I think like you sometimes... I like to think that it is just a process of life and that it will end eventually. Have more confidence in yourself. Instead of thinking what is the meaning of life, try thinking of what you want to do with your life. Set a simple goal and focus on it. Tell yourself I am better than everyone because of the things I am going through... I can do things others can do, but better as I have more burden...

Good luck bro, am here to support ya! =)

J 说...

Yea, I was so eager to live an adult life when I was small but I refuse to grow up when I am supposed to. Remember, we are always here for you just like you are always there for us :) Dont hesitate to contact us for anything! Anything kay? :)
And that's what friends are for!
Remember to stand up after shedding tears. Jia You!!!*Support*