
Ex-band member

Yesterday, finally I finally become ex-member.... no need to take part in band practice liao.... Is this a good event?? or a bad new?? For me, that is a bad new.... i will less chance to see my junior and my friends who r induk now... no chance to play my violin lo~~ >_<

We put a lot of effort to prepare the agm on the Friday.. Our form 5 hv the last practice with other band members that day... and our last meeting...

i hope our band and string section can be improved and hv a good performance next year on 2009!


Band gv me a lot of memories during my senior year.... fulfilling my life.... feel sad that i miss some souvenir as they hard to be collected and kept...


3 条评论:

ShyuanT 说...

Hello ex-Jr Strings leader!!! Ya, It feels great becoming an ex...hehe...

btw, nice layout...

空。陵 说...

lolx...who say u cant play violin ady le..u still can play de ma.. some more u also can join other band which got string

kEnT 说...

u still keeping those things wor~
a good KEEPER! ex member